Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Digitally, I'm supposed to represent

I'm nice with the blah blah blah . .

Since I am "doing something" about the records and archives of village library I checked out a few other libraries approaches to making records public or semi-public.  The San Francisco Public Library makes mostly descriptions available on-line.  While they do have some records available digitally, the bulk of their collection requires in-house examination.  On the other hand the Rowan Public Library makes the text of some records available along with selected scanned images of the documents.  These are very different approaches to digitalizing records and archives.  I think both methods have their merits.  In the interest of simplicity I like the San Fran system much better.   But for our records I think that it is the best way to deal with copyright and such.  I might get this figured out eventually.

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