Monday, June 25, 2007

Stupid Zoom Clouds

Look at my stupid cloud. now I have to go and fix the code and see what the heck is wrong with it. grr

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Life Sucker

I tried second life this weekend. Aside from sucking the life out of my weekend as struggled through this game. My connection was crappy so my movement was choppy and uncontrollable. But aside from that I never got off the introduction island. There are tutorials that you have to complete but I am at a total loss on how to do them. The help button, F1 doesn't work on my Mac. I did the tutorials over and over again, but nothing ever happened. I had one guy help me for a little while. But he quickly gave up on me cause I couldn't follow him around the world.

I love video games. I always have. I love car games, fighting games, Mario games and I even love the Sims games. I do however mock when my friends play halo with their headset.
(When a friend had just gotten his new 360 he had many funny "first time" conversations with other players through his headset.) I just dont get second life. I guess I could be living out some fantasy in this alter ego world. But I am very satisfied with my life. I didn't even get to the part where you can buy things. But why would I spend money on a virtual pair of earings when I could go buy real ones?

Friday, June 22, 2007

Missing PA in the Summer

New Mexico is nice, but my home is in Pennsylvania. There is some stuff I really miss being out here. So in an effort to beef up my Zoom Cloud I have added links to some of my favorite stuff in PA.


I do love to tag things . . . I am totally feeling But there is just something I am not about Connotea. Their site says they support all these websites, but I didnt find those sites any more compatible than any other site.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

A custom search engine on the Civil Rights Movement

Monday, June 18, 2007

Shared Bloglines folder

Here is the link to my bloglines search

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

cuddly like a. . .

book. Today my boss told me that books aren't going anywhere because they are cuddly like a teddy bear and computers are not cuddly at all.

homemade cheese

I made fresh ricotta yesterday. I think I am in love, and I might just go and make my own cheeses from now on.

It was insanely easy.

Scald 2qts. of milk
remove from heat and add 1/2 cup of distilled vinegar.
Let sit, drain the whey.
Its ready to enjoy.

The recipe I used said that if it doesnt turn to curds and whey right away to add more vinegar. I had absolutely no need for this. It turned almost instantly. Don't stir more than one or two times when you add the vinegar, it messes up the curds.
I suggest scalding the milk with a bit of flavor. This time I did spring garlic. The flavor was a little delicate for garlic.
I put the ricotta in some manicotti, which I make all the time. My husband said it was the best ever.
But I have some new ideas on tap. A lavender ricotta to make cheesecake with and a basil one for salads.

Watch out for them internets

Its a scary place out there and our senate knows it.

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Jackass or thoughtful anarchist

I love Party Boy.  Maybe more cause they are so stupid, but just maybe is it a thoughtful nod to the Diggers of the 1960's.

(I getting right to the next paper for 2000!)

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Thursday, June 7, 2007

My Man Howard

Our local entertainment rag (Alibi) ran this article talking to Howard Zinn about the cutbacks in Book Review sections of newspapers.  Mr. Zinn is a constant inspiration to me and if I could say I did as much as he did in one month in my whole life I would be proud.

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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Digital Collection

This video is a little long, but you get the idea. I do love to flip through digital picture collections.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

What are you hiding?

Stephen Colbert and the attack on Librarians.

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Information overload

My semi-complete list of ongoing library related projects:
1. Move away from major research value at work for our presence on the web
a. Get the teen volunteers to put together myspace- check
b. Create a community board
c. create local link page and in-house access page
d. Get more programs
organic farming
in house and online book discussions
2. Review books about ahhh. . .
a. To save, to digitalize, to conserve, to preserve, to pay, to not to pay
And when I think about all of this all day and all night, then drive to work for an hour every day listening to the same cd, I end up thinking about Black Thought's explanation of what Super Lyricism means to him and what it means to me. And now I am thinking about the balance between ending up like Nicholson Baker and running blindly into the future.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Food - totally unrelated to school

With the return of running water, I made dinner last night. (The first in like three weeks.) The Los Ranchos market is almost up to speed, but not quite. I did try sunchokes for the first time this weekend. They were quite yummy. A little hard to prepare, but worth the work.
Here is how I tried them out:

Something Spinach Sunchokes

Boil sunchokes for about 10 minutes. Peal and slice thin

Add to a medium heat sauce pan
2 Tablespoons flavored olive oil (Here I used the packing oil of chipotle lemon feta)
Chopped spinach (Here I used half a bag of spring spinach coarsely chopped)
pealed and sliced sunchokes

Saute just till the spinach is wilted, add cheese, toss and serve. (here I used the feta from earlier but any dry non melty cheese would work depending on the flavors you have chosen for the oil)