Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Blog it out

I have actually spent time wondering who has time to blog. With work, school, a house that is falling down and a very strict no fast food rule it always amazed me that people have time to build up their my space account or blog or both and then have a second life too. But now I have time to do it because it is for school. . .

I work at a really great community library in Corrales, New Mexico. (www.corraleslibrary.org)
There is a pond at the library, from which I fished a five year old out today. We have three coys that the kids can't get enough of.

My Husband and I are remodeling our partial adobe in the South Valley of Albuquerque. Every project has been a challenge. We found a window to no where in our kitchen and the adobe walls disintegrate at the slightest touch. This is what my kitchen looks like today:

Someday soon I hope to have a kitchen again!
Because in a house where there is no fast food and in a town where good take out is non-existent, cooking has become one of my favorite things to do. I try very hard to buy local, planning each week's meals around what is available at the farmers markets. With Spring comes the return of the full market in New Mexico and I couldn't be happier. The growers don't have much yet but even the sparse Spring market is better than the Winter. After a very uninspired winter of food, I am ready for the market. I have also decided to learn to can this summer too, to avoid the supermarket blues mid-February. So please share your canning tips here! I would love to hear all about your local markets too! What is your area's specialty? What do you do with it? And I will tell you all about Red or Green, pecans and everything else New Mexico produce has to offer.