Monday, June 4, 2007

Food - totally unrelated to school

With the return of running water, I made dinner last night. (The first in like three weeks.) The Los Ranchos market is almost up to speed, but not quite. I did try sunchokes for the first time this weekend. They were quite yummy. A little hard to prepare, but worth the work.
Here is how I tried them out:

Something Spinach Sunchokes

Boil sunchokes for about 10 minutes. Peal and slice thin

Add to a medium heat sauce pan
2 Tablespoons flavored olive oil (Here I used the packing oil of chipotle lemon feta)
Chopped spinach (Here I used half a bag of spring spinach coarsely chopped)
pealed and sliced sunchokes

Saute just till the spinach is wilted, add cheese, toss and serve. (here I used the feta from earlier but any dry non melty cheese would work depending on the flavors you have chosen for the oil)

1 comment:

Libography said...

Ah, sunchokes are jerusalem artichokes (thanks google!)... I've never cooked with them but your recipe looks yummy!! although i suppose pretty much anything with feta and spinach is good in my book (and that chipotle lemon feta sounds tooooo yummy to even exist!!). :)